4/10/24 8:45 PM | Strategy Budgeting Masterclass Unifies National Team Around 2024 Goals

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RealSource Properties recently wrapped up its “Real-World Budgeting for Real Results” seminar in Lexington, KY, an engaging-two-day event involving our national team.

2024-03-29 Budget Conference Blog Photos (1)

Teamwork vs. Spreadsheets

With continued growth and profitability in focus, our goal for the gathering was to make budgeting more about people than spreadsheets. Mark Hanks, COO, emphasized: "At their core, budgets are about teamwork and mindset. As we continue to refine our collaboration, the sky’s the limit."

Broadening Our Perspectives

Our seminar went beyond the typical budget meeting, involving a wide cross-section of our organization in the discussions on property performance. “It was important to broaden our perspective by involving community and maintenance managers, together with corporate – especially accounting,” explained Kim Humphrey, Vice President of Operations.


Realizing Our Shared Impact

This lively, sometime lighthearted, but highly educational gathering was a success in increasing our shared understanding. "Budgeting topics like accruals or Net Ordinary Income (NOI) might not seem exciting. But we made them relevant each team member could see their potential impact,” explained Teresa Rose, SVP of Property Management.


Full Steam Ahead Together

Our heartfelt thanks go to every associate who joined us in Lexington, balancing their busy roles to focus on ways that they can achieve greater results in their communities.

Crystal Dukes, Director of Education, Training, and DEI Strategies shared afterwards: “Thanks to everyone for being so engaged! It was seriously impressive. And knowing they’ll all going to put all of these nitty-gritty details into action? That's the best part!”

Matt Bullock

Author: Matt Bullock